Unilever | 联合利华

Brand Protection Head of North Asia Region | 北亚区品牌保护首席代表

Unilever | 联合利华



他连续多年被World Trademark Review评为“世界前300企业商标律师”之一;2020年,被亚洲法律评论(ALB)评为“中国知识产权法务15强”之一。同年,被阿里巴巴反假冒联盟评为“年度风云人物”之一。

He is currently the Brand Protection Head of Unilever North Asia region. He has been working on IP protection for more than 15 years in multi-national companies, managing and handling thousands of administrative, criminal enforcement actions and civil litigations, around 30 ones were awarded as QBPC best practice, SPC Typical Case, etc.

Since 2010, he has respectively served as vice chairman and then chairman of QBPC Legal Committee, and deeply participated in many IP projects including the amendments of Trademark Law, the revision of Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the drafting & revisions of E-Commerce Law, etc.

He was listed in 2016, 2020 & 2021 World’s 300 Leading Corporate Trademark Professionals by WTR and 2020 ALB China Top 15 IP In-house Counsels, also was recognized as one of Influential Personality of the Year by Alibaba Anti-counterfeiting Alliance in 2020.