Beijing Incopat Technology | 北京合享智慧科技

【  】  北京合享智慧科技有限公司是一家全球知识产权数据服务提供商,专注于知识产权数据的深度整合和价值挖掘,通过旗下incoPat全球科技分析运营平台、IP资产管家、专利大王等多项产品为全球创新者提供值得信赖的知识产权数据服务。



Beijing Incopat Technology Co., Ltd. is a global intellectual property data service provider, focusing on the in-depth integration and value mining of intellectual property data, and provides trusted intellectual property data services for global innovators through incoPat Global Technical Analysis and Operation Platform, Intellectual Property Asset Manager, Patent King, incoPat Innovation Index and other products.

incoPat deeply integrates artificial intelligence technology and intellectual property data to realize AI search, landscape analysis and hot spot prediction of intellectual property data. Successfully served tens of thousands of top innovative enterprises and high-growth technology enterprises around the world. incoPat has successfully built a global knowledge base of invention and innovation rooted in China, helping users enhance their innovation competitiveness, identify business opportunities in emerging markets, promote China's economic transformation, and achieve innovative development.

incoPat adheres to the professional service route, always hold on to the spirit of "down-to-earth service and innovation" and “User-centric” , and join hands with innovators to promote the flow and sharing of human scientific and technological wisdom.

How to contact us

China Intellectual Property & Innovation Summit
Tel|电话:+ 86 21 6765 8679
Mob.| 手机:+ 86 136-5189-8193